
Section I: Exploring Career Interests
  • Introduction
  • Holland's Theory of Career Choice & The Holland Code Career Tests
Section II: Insight into the Professional Landscape
  • Introduction
  • Career World Mapping
  • Identifying three suitable occupations
  • Identifying relevant occupational categories
  • Determining three suitable career pathways

*** Note: Program content can be variable and tailored to accommodate each student's unique needs and aspirations.

program information

Program Information

  • Consultation Duration: 5 hours
  • Consultation Fee: $450
  • Consultation Format: Online or In-person
Consultation Procedure:
  • Reach out to Spark Prep to submit a consultation request.
  • Our experts will schedule appointments for consultation and provide payment instructions.
  • Stay connected to receive ongoing support after the consultation process, as required.
Who can apply to the program?
  • Secondary/middle and high school students exploring university majors and future career paths.
  • University students seeking assistance in clearly defining career prospects and post-graduation opportunities.
  • Parents wishing to accompany their children in the journey of career exploration and development.

Program Purpose


Empower yourself with the skills to navigate your career path confidently in any scenario.


Discover and apply various tools and exercises to gain insights into your strengths, interests, industry trends, and growth potential.


Assess and enhance your learning abilities, as well as your capacity for strategic planning and self-direction at each stage.


Evaluate both subjective and objective factors that may influence your decision-making regarding future major selections.


Gain insight into the global landscape of career opportunities, learning how to research and evaluate information when considering schools, industries, and work environments.


Receive guidance on developing a personalized roadmap for your future career.


Work with experts to refine and cultivate essential skill sets vital to your personal development.


Offer enhanced support to parents as they navigate the career guidance process alongside their children.

Career Counseling Theory

Hierarchy of Needs in Hiring
The Career Tree
Holland's Theory of Career Choice & Practice

Add-on services

For students aspiring to study abroad, we offer tailored guidance sessions supplemented by the comprehensive resource "Self-guided career guidance for international students", co-authored by Spark Prep. This handbook serves as a cornerstone in their career exploration journey and enhances their study abroad application preparation with invaluable insights.

Moreover, Spark Prep extends a range of support services aimed at crafting a personalized and strong study abroad application experience:


English proficiency testing services including IELTS/TOEFL assessments and SAT/ACT practice tests


College 101 course, providing comprehensive study abroad knowledge


Customized college admissions coaching packages


Intensive Study & Career Counseling program

Book a consultation with us

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Office address

Hanoi: 4th floor, 102-104 Lang Ha, Dong Da District
HCM: Toong Tan Hung, F16 Street No. 10 Him Lam Urban Area, Tan Hung Ward, District 7

098 788 1080
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